Monday, May 18, 2009

Setbacks are normal events in my life; however, continuing with action must become a habit as well.

So, I wasn't going to update until my computer situation was fixed, but behold, there are more setbacks.

I promise, it's gravy!

Something i've come to notice about myself lately is that I'm a thinker. I think...a lot. Probably more than normal. All thinking leads to ideas.
Now I believe my problem is acting. Actually acting on these brilliant ideas that I have seems to be a roadblock.

But no more!

I have many plans for my life, from planning tomorrow or planning where I will be living in the next 4 years (it will be D.C. or Philadelphia). So I have decided that these ideas/plans need to be shared...or I just need an outlet. Which is why I started this anyway! :)

I'm going to carry around a journal to jot down all of my ideas, but only the promising ones will make the cut.


I am actually thinking of other things as I type this, which I will post shortly (it'll be a list!).

Thanks for listening!


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