A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. – dictionary.com
Hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. – dictionary.com
Racist beliefs provide the foundation for extending special rights, privileges, and opportunities to the race that is believed to be superior, and to withholding rights, privileges, and opportunities from the races believed to be inferior. – Encyclopedia of Psychology
In this post of Making the Dream I will not extract my personal feelings on this topic and will right exactly how I feel. One thing to not confuse is that I do not intend to be a hypocrite. I do believe that racism is across the board. Even the “inferior” races believe to be superior to those that claim it. As a Christian young woman, I will base my thoughts and beliefs off of Christianity and how I believe that God created us all equal. Please feel free to post any comments/responses that you deem necessary. If your comment/response is negative in any manner (and I do not mean if you disagree with me), it will be deleted. Enjoy.
1865. But that was only an end to slavery, right? Wrong. It should have been an end to the abuse of the superiority complex of white Americans. Let’s take it back way earlier than that. Who are the true inhabitants of our “home” land? Certainly not ANY Caucasian, or any other race that gloats as superior, or even inferior. Native Americans. Hence the name. I understand the politics and beliefs and all that jazz, but even with all of that I continuously fail to understand how those who roamed this country before any of us are pushed to different corners and areas of this country.
Why am I talking about racism? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m tired of the blatant, and outright disrespect that myself and other peers receive while attending an institution of higher education. Or maybe it’s because of the opportunity that so many of us would like, but aren’t even glanced at because we “aren’t representative of what we stand for.” So do you stand for racism? Because if so, don’t make it hidden. MAKE IT KNOWN. At least then I will understand why I’m being disrespected and what you TRULY stand for. I have yet to experience racism in the workplace, but have experienced enough of it while obtaining my education in LESS THAN ONE YEAR. Certain groups on campus have been very hypocritical in their mission statements and mottos. Do not PREACH diversity, if you are simply there to serve one group of people. Do not PREACH Christianity if you are not following the life of Jesus. HE’S THE REASON CHRISTIANITY EXISTS. Galatians 3:28 “ There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Genesis 1:27 “So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.” I do not recall him saying this group is superior over this one, and this one will be inferior for eternity. [If you have found that somewhere, please let me know and I will gladly correct myself.]
This may sound like a rant, which in a sense it is (But it’s also my blog so I can do as I please). However, this is a matter that I face everyday and am not able to “vent” about whenever I choose. This is obviously a decision made myself, since we do have “freedom of speech” (to a certain extent) but it’s true that in order for my days to be 1% positive and productive, I need to push aside the ignorance and disrespect that I interact with on a daily basis in my community. But isn’t it my fault? Nobody said going to a predominantly white institution was going to be easy…