In the Spotlight : Obama’s Healthcare Plan

Monday, August 17, 2009

Something that has been in everyone’s spotlight has been Obama’s Health Care Reform plan. I know everyone’s heard about the Town Hall meetings across the country that have had some rather, heated, arguments. But do we all really have room to argue? Have we been informed of this health care plan and know what it proposes?

In situations where we’re passionate about something or someone, it is easy to acquire a blind following. But in this world, that can’t be done. In order to help build up our platform, we must know what we stand for and what the argument is. We have to see both sides if we want to be able to counter the opposition.

Obama’s Healthcare Reform

  • Reduce long-term growth of health care costs for businesses and government
  • Protect families from bankruptcy or debt because of health care costs
  • Guarantee choice of doctors and health plans
  • Invest in prevention and wellness
  • Improve patient safety and quality of care
  • Assure affordable, quality health coverage for all Americans
  • Maintain coverage when you change or lose your job
  • End barriers to coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions

(via )

Healthcare Reform Opposition

This side has a platform called the “The Pillars of Health Care Reform.”

  • Choice: A patient must have the right to choose their own doctor, and must protect a consumer's right to choose the health insurance that best fits their needs and budget.
  • Competition: Leveling the playing field for doctors, insurers, and consumers will result in healthy competition that drives down costs and increases favorable outcomes. Providers should publicly post their prices so consumers can shop and compare. States should eliminate burdensome regulations so insurance companies can compete equally across state lines.
  • Accountability: Making health care services more accessible, transparent and open through standardized insurance claims forms and equal tax breaks for individuals and companies will control costs by helping consumers and businesses compare "apples to apples" across the health care spectrum.
  • Personal Responsibility: Placing responsibility squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the patient, will encourage individuals make to make healthy lifestyle choices. Infusing personal responsibility into health care reform allows us all to maintain our cherished freedom to live our lives without government intrusion.

(via )

I want to hear your opinion. Are you for the reform, or are you against it? What are some of your pros and cons? The future of this plan will be involved in all our lives as we make the dream, so voice your opinion. It should be heard!


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