Daily Quote : Pressure Control

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

“ Some things I’ll never know, and I have to let them go.”

-lyrics from “Pressure” by Paramore

I have this habit of when things happen that either don’t go my way, or just aren’t right period…I bottle it up and “pretend” to let it go. However, bottling it up only adds more pressure, on top of pressure. This is wrong. There are things in life that are simply out of our control. We can’t change time, we can’t step into someone else’s life for a second, and we can’t make the world turn the way we would like for it to.

And that’s ok.

One thing I believe is essential for learning to control emotions, etc. in school & the workplace, is that when something goes wrong, 9 times out of 10 it is out of our control (unless you caused it to go wrong, different story). If the bus was late because one of the two drivers called in sick, that’s out of our control. We will just be late to work. The description on life NEVER said that things were ALWAYS going to work out.

My challenge to everyone today is to not let your anger build up. Don’t believe that there is something more than what you’re already giving that is necessary for you to hold life’s actions in your hands. There isn’t. When something goes wrong, accept it. If there are any other outlets/options, then use them. If not, there is nothing you can do. It is out of your control! And you should feel good about that fact.



A Victim No Longer said...

I agree! This is your challenge everyday and it's a struggle for everyone. I try to remember that the universe isn't conspiring to make my day or life worse. I am not that important. So I have to let it go. Keep it up!

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