Daily Quote

Monday, September 7, 2009

"The goal is to make the perfect song, even though that's not going to happen..." - Chris Martin

Makes you think, right?

Why would you put your all into something if you already know that it won’t be EXACTLY how you want it?

Because that’s a part of life. Just because we think our seemingly perfect plans and ideas are invincible, they are truly not. There will be mishaps, miscommunication, misunderstandings, etc. But we should go into everything with a positive and open mind, understanding that becoming/being successful does not come with perfection, but with perseverance. A  common myth is that success means perfection. Wrong. Success means that our plans will be changed once, twice, twenty times. If everything happened perfectly, there would be no room for growth…

Think about it.



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FyrstPlayce said...

LOVE it! Expecially the last part, because many people believe that success is equivalent to perfection, and it's NOT. Even the most successful person on earth will never be perfect because our personal ideas of "perfection" are so different, and change so often.

This is something I think about all the time, if you can't tell lol...so I'm going to stop there before I write a book under under your post lol
(you've just given me an idea for an "encouraging word of the day" text)

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