Trendy Thursdays : The “Nitty – Gritty”

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursdays have been dedicated to solely fashion. Amazing, right? I know, I know.

Some consider it far too time-consuming & annoying to attempt to “get dressed” during the weekdays in college. There’s a common misconception that there is just not enough time in a busy college student’s life to actually devote time to style.


Each day I see a young woman (and even an occasional young man) who has obviously put some thought into their wardrobe of the day. And that inspires me. Nowhere is it written that the only attire you should wear from 7am – 6pm are a pair of Nike running shorts and your boyfriend’s T-shirt. Not for everyday. How do you know that you won’t run into your future employer or someone else of great importance at this time in your life (God forbid you run into Rihanna!)

But seriously. You’ve heard this so many times before: Appearance is everything. When you meet people, whenever you’re trying to make an impression, the first thing people will notice is your appearance & style.

So to inspire those of you who think it’s impossible to be stylish as a college student (or even as a young professional), these posts are just for you. It is possible. And I will feature various students that are making it happen.

Until next Thursday!




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