Twitter Thursdays : Bring On the Inspiration

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I’m sure everyone and their mother has a twitter by now. Some use it to stalk celebrities, some use it to network, some use it for branding. Whatever your reason for using it, at least one should be to gain some inspiration. If you’re staring at twitter all day, at leas get something fruitful out of it!

So I’m going to list my top 5 most inspirational twitter-ers. Follow Them!

5. The Socialite aka @imkeepingup ( : Her blog is always on point and she’s always delivering great topics and encouraging inspiration. She gives us a look into the African-American world around us and also a glimpse into her own life while making the dream happen! She’s on the road to success!

4. Rev Run of Run DMC via @RevRunWisdom : I know we’ve all seen Rev Run in his bathtub on Run’s House sending out his daily mass blackberry inspiration. Well guess what? Now he’s broadcasting all over Twitter! Follow him and receive his daily insight into having a joyful life.

3. Lauren London via @MsLaurenLondon : She doesn’t update as often as the others, but when she does she delivers positive words of encouragement. Be uplifted!

2. Ralph Marston via @ralphmarston : He is my most re-tweeted. He sends messages that are not only encouraging, but challenging as well. I URGE you all to follow this man, and challenge yourself. This is how he became successful by the way!

1. God’s Word via @dailybible : This needs no explanation or any kind of “bio”. God speaks, and we should all listen. FOLLOW!

I hope I’ve opened some of your eyes to some new inspiration.




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