Sad Story…

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Obviously I haven’t updated in a while.


And this hasn’t been by choice.

So the news is: GLAM is going on a hiatus.


But when it returns in January 2010, everything will be brand new.


Have a Happy Holidays! :)



In The Spotlight: Russian Roulette

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rihanna is back. New Style…in fashion & in music. Take a listen of her new single off of her upcoming album Rated R, slated for a November 23rd release.

Russian Roulette – Rihanna


This was not what I was expecting after watching the promo vid, but we all know Rihanna is queen of surprises. This song was penned by none other that Ne-Yo.

The only thing that sets me off a little are the lyrics. I know Rihanna has fans from many different age ranges, but I do not think this song (a long with a bunch of other songs out) are fitting for young teenagers. BUT at least she’s preparing us for what seems like will be a dark album, hence the lyrics and the album title “Rated R” . We’ll see, I love Rihanna either way.


How do you feel about the new song? Do you think it will do well?



Making the Dream: Be an Optimist!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Something I’ve learned in one week:

If life is too fast and you begin to wait for it to slow down, you are only bringing yourself down. If life is too fast, then you need to run fast. If life is beating you in the race, re-evaluate as you begin to sprint. There’s no going back, there’s no time to stop. There’s only room to grow, and keep it moving.

I considered just ending the post like that, to let that sink in. But I do want to share a little of what’s going on right now.

  • I’ve started a business.
  • I’m learning how to brand.
  • I’m finally letting my schedule become a habit.
  • I’m going on vacation ( a mini one) in two weeks.
  • I’m learning something new about SOMETHING
  • The new additions to my blog will be up within the next few weeks, and I’m so excited to share with all.
  • You may want to pay attention to the new additions, because I heard that there may be free prizes involved…



;) MG*

Daily Quote: Are You Opportunistic?

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston Churchill

You can have the emotion of fear and still fear not. You can accomplish the task even if you’re shaking. - Joyce Meyer

"Drip by drip, the bucket fills up. Consistency is the key. It's ok to start small and build up." – Anonymous


Will you let your fears and insecurities determine your future? Will you allow your failures to wash away your pending success? Why? How very RARE is it to see a successful person that has made it to the top without failing, messing up, being afraid, etc. If Bill Gates let his insecurities about being a nerd and geek affect him, do you think Microsoft would even be known? What if Oprah let her own background affect her dream & drive…What kind of role model would we have for our aspiring talk show hosts ( Maury, Jerry Springer?) ?

Don’t give up.



Daily Quote : Moses Hadas

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

“I have read your book and much like it.
-Moses Hadas (1900 - 1966)


Not many words. But packs a great message. When you, and other, look back on your life and accomplishments, will it be like reading a book for second time? Can you guess from memory what’s going to happen in the next chapter? Does is seem really familiar to the next person’s book?

It shouldn’t. I’m all about originality. Whatever your field, whatever your aspirations, I hope that you will take the challenge to be different. Why are so many successful and unsuccessful? Because they stepped out and brought something new to the table, something different. And you can as well.

In everything you do, be original. You want your book to be a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.




In the Spotlight: Effortlessly GLAMorous

Monday, October 12, 2009

It’s only recently that I have begun to pay real attention to Beyonce’s style. Starting her career as a member of a girl group, your identity can easily be lost. For the years after, as she began her solo & acting career, there’s a kind of blossoming that we notice as Ms. Knowles-Carter finds her own sense of style. She’s come a long way from matching glitter outfits and latex pants. I describe Beyonce’s style as effortless and elegant. She’s never raunchy, or even flashy. Every time you see her, you see class. Here are some of her looks from relaxed to evening :





(photos via [beyonce daily])




GLAM : Week in Review

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pictures of events of this past week. Click on the picture to find out more. Enjoy!








GLAM week in review: Congratulations Mr. President!

There was an original post, but with the announcement of some GREAT news about our President, this post will feature the MOST important event this week:


Trendy Thursdays : The “Nitty – Gritty”

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursdays have been dedicated to solely fashion. Amazing, right? I know, I know.

Some consider it far too time-consuming & annoying to attempt to “get dressed” during the weekdays in college. There’s a common misconception that there is just not enough time in a busy college student’s life to actually devote time to style.


Each day I see a young woman (and even an occasional young man) who has obviously put some thought into their wardrobe of the day. And that inspires me. Nowhere is it written that the only attire you should wear from 7am – 6pm are a pair of Nike running shorts and your boyfriend’s T-shirt. Not for everyday. How do you know that you won’t run into your future employer or someone else of great importance at this time in your life (God forbid you run into Rihanna!)

But seriously. You’ve heard this so many times before: Appearance is everything. When you meet people, whenever you’re trying to make an impression, the first thing people will notice is your appearance & style.

So to inspire those of you who think it’s impossible to be stylish as a college student (or even as a young professional), these posts are just for you. It is possible. And I will feature various students that are making it happen.

Until next Thursday!



Making the Dream : Autumn leaves…

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I’ve mentioned before that I recently read an article that really put some things into perspective when it comes to my blog. One main thing that I really took away from it was a quote : “We are the CEOs of our own companies: ME Inc.”


I’ve heard the term tossed around a lot, and have seen people refer to it on various social networking sites. But I never really paid much attention to it. After reading that article, it occurred to me how successful this blog could become; how this could be an outlet to future endeavors; how this is ultimately a part of my portfolio.

These thoughts gave way to another : start branding now? Yes. If not now, then when? I’d rather be making mistakes and learning now then having to fall on my face with no prior experience in anything when I begin my career. So, for those of you who are interested in any kind of entrepreneurship or business, here are some more tips taken from the article:

-Discover what makes you different. Ask yourself these questions: What is it that my product or service does that makes it different? Give yourself the traditional 15-words-or-less contest challenge. Take the time to write down your answer. And then take the time to read it. Several times. If your answer wouldn't light up the eyes of a prospective client or command a vote of confidence from a satisfied past client, or -- worst of all -- if it doesn't grab you, then you've got a big problem.

- There's literally no limit to the ways you can go about enhancing your profile. Try moonlighting! Sign up for an extra project inside your organization, just to introduce yourself to new colleagues and showcase your skills -- or work on new ones. Or, if you can carve out the time, take on a freelance project that gets you in touch with a totally novel group of people. If you can get them singing your praises, they'll help spread the word about what a remarkable contributor you are.


Get more insight from the article “The Brand Called You” written by Tom Peters.




Daily Quote : be GREAT.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


“You were born to do great things.The frustration that's been gnawing at your spirit is urging u to get on with it.” – Ralph Marston

"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way." - Booker T. Washington

"We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. " - Tom Peters

“Make the most of your day. This morning, make a decision for the day to be great. It'll turn out PHENOMENAL.” :) – GLAM




How-to… Wear the Sheer Trend


If you’ve been paying attention to fashion lately, you’ll notice a recurring trend : sheer. We’ve seen it before by Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, and most recently by Rihanna.

But sheer for everyday wear? Yes! Worn the correct way, of course. Try these affordable looks!

For a “relaxed” day look:


Sheer Flutter Top – Forever 21 $25; Faux Leather Legging – Wet Seal $20; Peep-Toe Bootie – $23;


Sheer in the moonlight…


Sheer Back Bodycon Dress – $55; LARISSA Patent Sandal – $95; Yellow quilted clutch – $29






[Don’t like these ideas? Submit your own version of “how-to” wear sheer! It could be featured in future posts!]

Making the Dream : Just Gotta Make It…


If I didn’t have a dream, if I didn’t have a goal, if I couldn’t see this vision… this blog would’ve crashed and burned by now.

No more room for excuses! This blog will essentially become a part of my portfolio as I gain experience before entering my career field. A one woman show.

For those of you who follow my blog, one day we’ll all look back and see how far it has grown. It’s actually been over one year since I first posted under this name, at this domain. MUCH has changed since then.

And there’s more change to come. After recently reading an article a fellow blogger posted on Twitter ( Thanks @LoudPen !), my inspiration and motivation kicked into to HIGH gear.


So, for the third time, welcome a new & improved GLAM blog.

Enjoy! :)



Making the Dream : I’m Still Here!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I’ve had an interesting past two weeks, and by the grace of God I’m still standing on my own two feet. I do have some news to bring : some great new developments in the making of the dream are to come soon, and an announcement.

What’s the announcement…glad you asked! Some of my readers know me personally, and will understand this announcement completely. I’m what you call a “Type A” person (according to my big sister, who advises my life :) ), which basically means that I’m very driven, a perfectionist, and by nature a “busy-body”. I do not like stand-stills, or to just stand still. So naturally, being a college student, you can correctly assume that I’m involved. This semester has been a sort-of “coming into myself” stage for me with my spiritual life, my education, my social life, and of course my style. With that being said, the time I assumed I was going to have has somewhat disappeared. NO! I’m not cancelling my blog. This is a valuable asset to my future. However, the frequency of my posts will be restructured in order to match with my lifestyle. My blog is going to be constantly changing until it finds its own style.

So pray for me everyone! I’m really learning a lot this year about life in general. I’m trying out some new things and hopefully I will be able to talk more about them at a later date. But until then, my next post will detail the newest update for the blog. Also, sorry about this background but it will have to suffice for the time being.



:) MG*

Twitter Thursdays : The Power of Words

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today, I would like to spotlight on Ralph Marston.

Ralph Marston, a … well I’m not sure what to title him as. This individual has accomplished many things in his career from website development to marketing. But that is not why he’s being featured on Epitome of GLAM today.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, many of my quotes on this blog and on twitter come from @ralphmarston. Every day on more than 500 websites, Marston’s daily motivation gives someone a boost to keep going, keep striving. This segment, known as The Daily Motivator , is also broadcast on radio programs.

Below I’ve posted some of his daily quotes. If you aren’t following this man on twitter, or subscribing to his feed, I can definitely tell you that you’re missing out.

  • Ur imagination reaches beyond ur thoughts & ur mind. Its transforming power comes because it is connected 2 all u are.
  • Be clear about your purpose and you'll harness the ample energy that's already yours.
  • Your circumstances do not hold you back.Rather, they reveal how much you've been holding yourself back.
  • Be appreciative of what's right with your life. In your gratitude is the power to make it even better.
  • If you were just 1 step away from reaching ur goal,would you take that step?How do u know, right now, that you're not?

-taken from the Ralph Marston Daily Motivator twitter, @ralphmarston. His website is



Daily Quote : Pressure Control

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

“ Some things I’ll never know, and I have to let them go.”

-lyrics from “Pressure” by Paramore

I have this habit of when things happen that either don’t go my way, or just aren’t right period…I bottle it up and “pretend” to let it go. However, bottling it up only adds more pressure, on top of pressure. This is wrong. There are things in life that are simply out of our control. We can’t change time, we can’t step into someone else’s life for a second, and we can’t make the world turn the way we would like for it to.

And that’s ok.

One thing I believe is essential for learning to control emotions, etc. in school & the workplace, is that when something goes wrong, 9 times out of 10 it is out of our control (unless you caused it to go wrong, different story). If the bus was late because one of the two drivers called in sick, that’s out of our control. We will just be late to work. The description on life NEVER said that things were ALWAYS going to work out.

My challenge to everyone today is to not let your anger build up. Don’t believe that there is something more than what you’re already giving that is necessary for you to hold life’s actions in your hands. There isn’t. When something goes wrong, accept it. If there are any other outlets/options, then use them. If not, there is nothing you can do. It is out of your control! And you should feel good about that fact.


Making the Dream : Discipline is Key

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is supposed to be an Epitome of… post. I’m aware. That will resume next week, so get excited!

Today is about making the dream! I’m finally getting into the swing of things this semester. Everything doesn’t just seem like a huge jumble anymore. Granted, I do have a lot going on. But I never complain about that, it’s the lack of sleep I complain about. According to my family, I am Type A. So, obviously, I love being involved and on-the-go…and I love working under pressure. And that is something I’ve realized in the past two weeks. Throw a challenge my way, and I will pounce right on it with no reservations. One thing I noticed I lacked though, was discipline. I am not superwoman, and I can not put my name on everything. Many times I want to just be so successful and just so… out there, that I lose sight of why I even want to do something.

So, something that I’ve started working on is elimination. I've been taking everything that I’m interested in getting involved in and all my tasks, and simply eliminating the unnecessary. There is absolutely no reason for me to join three clubs, that all have the same purpose statement, and they all have the same people in them. NO! I won’t allow myself to do it. Each week I will go through and make eliminations, and then consider the time available for the task/activity. And this is where discipline comes in. 1) Discipline to say NO, 2) Discipline to be honest with myself ALL THE TIME.

GLAM readers, pray for my discipline. Because I need to learn, and quick!

Nobody said making the dream happen was going to be easy? But I bet I will make it look that way! :)



Daily Quote : Back to School

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

“Every single one of you has something you’re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is.” – President Barack Obama, 2009

Today, our President will deliver a speech to youth across the country in school. His message is to be motivational, to give this youth a hope.

I believe that this quote posted is great for youth, but I believe that it can apply to anyone. It’s during times like this recession, when people are losing their jobs left & right, where they either go two ways : find a job that will trap you again, or go after your dream. I’ve read many articles recently about individuals who have lost their jobs, careers, etc., and are now pursuing their talents and dreams. But why now? Why not ten years ago? Why did it take a recession for them to realize?

President Obama makes a good point. Everyone, despite what your mind is telling you right now, has something that they are good at. I believe that God has put in each of us a unique gift. And I don’t think he intended for those gifts to lie dormant in us throughout our lives. That would defeat the purpose of gifts, now wouldn’t it?

This statement is a challenge. You know that you have something you’re good at. Maybe you’re not sure what it is yet. Or maybe you’re just too nervous to step out on a limb and go after it. Whatever the case may be, your doubts and reservation could, ultimately, prohibit our nation from moving forward. Ever thought of it that way? Just like the saying ‘It takes a village…’; you may think that your gift is of no value or purpose, but that’s where you are so wrong.

So I, and our President, challenge everyone to discover what your gift may be. By all means, I do not mean for you to go and quit your job ( if that’s what it takes, then do you!), but do launch that journey on finding it out. We ALL have something to offer, remember that.


How-To… Find Your Craft

[And by craft, I don’t mean arts & crafts. ;) ]

President Obama will definitely inspire some young minds today as he delivers his Back to School speech. But it is not only for the children. Many of us are still struggling with discovering what it is that were good at. So, I’m going to list a few tips to help guide you in your ‘craft discovery”. Enjoy!

  • Write down a top ten list of things that you enjoy doing. Then narrow the list down to five. For each one, write why you enjoy that activity and honestly rate how well you are at each task/activity. Pay attention when you are doing these activities.
  • Gather a group of close friends and/or family and ask them to compile a list of five things that they believe you are good at. Compare your list with theirs, and find the consistencies. Highlight those and pay extra attention to those.
  • Do not limit yourself. Be very open to trying new things. Nobody has done everything, so do not box yourself in!
  • If you feel that you already know your craft, or you think you’ve got a good handle on what it is : PERFECT IT! You need to build your craft. Some things come naturally to people, but many times you will need to start and try again. Whatever it is that you decide to go after, you want to be the best at it. So work on it! I would suggest daily, or however often your schedule allows.

I hope these were beneficial and will help you to begin honing your craft. If any of you have any other tips or ideas, feel free to leave a comment and share them.


Fashion : Flash of Class…



In the Spotlight : the Pope against Racism

Monday, September 7, 2009

Technorati Tags:

"The contribution that religion can and must make is particularly important in promoting forgiveness and reconciliation against violence, racism, totalitarianism and extremism, which defile the image of the Creator in man," Pope Benedict XVI said.

The Pope, in a speech on the anniversary of the beginning of WWII, states that this war should be an example to us to not repeat such a “barbarity”.

Every day we read news about Afghanistan, Israel, and healthcare in America. We read about violence in our neighborhoods, our cities.

It is very refreshing to read an article, especially from someone who is culturally different from you, who agrees with you on a very important subject. World War II was obviously a time of great grief. It’s important fo us to not just know history, but to actually LEARN from it. Religion has been played down constantly over the years, and it’s time for it to make a comeback.

What are your thoughts on the Pope & his speech?


Fashion : beginning of GLAM

Technorati Tags:


Daily Quote

"The goal is to make the perfect song, even though that's not going to happen..." - Chris Martin

Makes you think, right?

Why would you put your all into something if you already know that it won’t be EXACTLY how you want it?

Because that’s a part of life. Just because we think our seemingly perfect plans and ideas are invincible, they are truly not. There will be mishaps, miscommunication, misunderstandings, etc. But we should go into everything with a positive and open mind, understanding that becoming/being successful does not come with perfection, but with perseverance. A  common myth is that success means perfection. Wrong. Success means that our plans will be changed once, twice, twenty times. If everything happened perfectly, there would be no room for growth…

Think about it.



Technorati Tags:

GLAM is back.

I’m back!

After a short, but much needed hiatus from the blog, MG will officially return tomorrow.

I know you’re excited. Tomorrow’s posts will be some In The Spotlight, Fashion, and Daily Quote.

To my followers : Thank you for your support, and tell your friends!

School tried to take over, but I knocked that sucker back down to it’s place with the MUCH needed hand of God to help. ;)



Making the Dream : Will Racism Ever Die?

Monday, August 24, 2009

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. –

Hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. –

Racist beliefs provide the foundation for extending special rights, privileges, and opportunities to the race that is believed to be superior, and to withholding rights, privileges, and opportunities from the races believed to be inferior. – Encyclopedia of Psychology

In this post of Making the Dream I will not extract my personal feelings on this topic and will right exactly how I feel. One thing to not confuse is that I do not intend to be a hypocrite. I do believe that racism is across the board. Even the “inferior” races believe to be superior to those that claim it. As a Christian young woman, I will base my thoughts and beliefs off of Christianity and how I believe that God created us all equal. Please feel free to post any comments/responses that you deem necessary. If your comment/response is negative in any manner (and I do not mean if you disagree with me), it will be deleted. Enjoy.

1865. But that was only an end to slavery, right? Wrong. It should have been an end to the abuse of the superiority complex of white Americans. Let’s take it back way earlier than that. Who are the true inhabitants of our “home” land? Certainly not ANY Caucasian, or any other race that gloats as superior, or even inferior. Native Americans. Hence the name. I understand the politics and beliefs and all that jazz, but even with all of that I continuously fail to understand how those who roamed this country before any of us are pushed to different corners and areas of this country.

Why am I talking about racism? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m tired of the blatant, and outright disrespect that myself and other peers receive while attending an institution of higher education. Or maybe it’s because of the opportunity that so many of us would like, but aren’t even glanced at because we “aren’t representative of what we stand for.” So do you stand for racism? Because if so, don’t make it hidden. MAKE IT KNOWN. At least then I will understand why I’m being disrespected and what you TRULY stand for. I have yet to experience racism in the workplace, but have experienced enough of it while obtaining my education in LESS THAN ONE YEAR. Certain groups on campus have been very hypocritical in their mission statements and mottos. Do not PREACH diversity, if you are simply there to serve one group of people. Do not PREACH Christianity if you are not following the life of Jesus. HE’S THE REASON CHRISTIANITY EXISTS. Galatians 3:28 “ There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Genesis 1:27 “So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.” I do not recall him saying this group is superior over this one, and this one will be inferior for eternity. [If you have found that somewhere, please let me know and I will gladly correct myself.]

This may sound like a rant, which in a sense it is (But it’s also my blog so I can do as I please). However, this is a matter that I face everyday and am not able to “vent” about whenever I choose. This is obviously a decision made myself, since we do have “freedom of speech” (to a certain extent) but it’s true that in order for my days to be 1% positive and productive, I need to push aside the ignorance and disrespect that I interact with on a daily basis in my community. But isn’t it my fault? Nobody said going to a predominantly white institution was going to be easy…


Twitter Thursdays : Bring On the Inspiration

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I’m sure everyone and their mother has a twitter by now. Some use it to stalk celebrities, some use it to network, some use it for branding. Whatever your reason for using it, at least one should be to gain some inspiration. If you’re staring at twitter all day, at leas get something fruitful out of it!

So I’m going to list my top 5 most inspirational twitter-ers. Follow Them!

5. The Socialite aka @imkeepingup ( : Her blog is always on point and she’s always delivering great topics and encouraging inspiration. She gives us a look into the African-American world around us and also a glimpse into her own life while making the dream happen! She’s on the road to success!

4. Rev Run of Run DMC via @RevRunWisdom : I know we’ve all seen Rev Run in his bathtub on Run’s House sending out his daily mass blackberry inspiration. Well guess what? Now he’s broadcasting all over Twitter! Follow him and receive his daily insight into having a joyful life.

3. Lauren London via @MsLaurenLondon : She doesn’t update as often as the others, but when she does she delivers positive words of encouragement. Be uplifted!

2. Ralph Marston via @ralphmarston : He is my most re-tweeted. He sends messages that are not only encouraging, but challenging as well. I URGE you all to follow this man, and challenge yourself. This is how he became successful by the way!

1. God’s Word via @dailybible : This needs no explanation or any kind of “bio”. God speaks, and we should all listen. FOLLOW!

I hope I’ve opened some of your eyes to some new inspiration.



Making the Dream : Mistakes Happen!

Ahh! School tried to consume me so early! But these are the makings of a successful young woman; sometimes MISTAKES HAPPEN. I will do my best to never miss a day again.

So…I’ve decided that I will treat this as a job. Meaning, I’m working two jobs right now. And that’s ok. This is a platform to my success, and I know that God will provide the strength and energy, especially through things that glorify Him. :)

Enjoy Thursday’s posts and give me some feedback.


How-To… Put Your Life In Order

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On the road to success, the path can become a little cluttered. Maybe even too cluttered. How can you see where you are on the path or how far you’ve gone with all that mess? Simple, you can’t! But there is a solution for this. Organization! I don’t think you have to be an obsessive list maker, but I do think that there are some key things that you can do in your life that will help for you to see straight ahead of you and around you. I’ve listed a few tips here that can get you started, and will hopefully help you to remove those cluttering roadblocks. :)

1. Acquire a planner
Whether it's Microsoft Outlook on your laptop, or a funky little planner      from Wal-mart, you need something where you 
can log appointments, meetings, events, etc. Make it a habit to log things into your planner as soon as something comes up. 
DO NOT rely on your perfect memory and write it down "later". Make sure that you check your planner when new things come 
up so that you don't over-book. 
My opinion: I think it's nice to have a task/calendar on your computer, but I don't think that an electronic planner should be your only source. I'd recommend having a paper planner as a back-up, and fill that in as you go.

2. budget, Budget, BUDGET! 
It doesn't matter if you have an infinite amount of money. I still believe that you should keep track of 
your spending and income. For most of us though, budgeting is something that we need to invest more time in. Find or download a daily or monthly budget sheet. Make sure that you are keeping receipts and bank statements so you can have accurate record of spending. This site has some great tips for budgeting.

3. Reflection is good for growing... 
It's always a good idea to set aside some time for yourself where you can simply reflect on the day or the week. 
This doesn't have to be done everyday depending on your personality, but if you're easily stressed I'd recommend 
doing this daily. Write in a journal, blog, listen to music, or just simply be alone with your thoughts. Whatever 
helps you release. Our lives can become very hectic and it's a great idea to just gather your thoughts to prepare you for the next day or week. It's all too easy to get on overload and then we are burned out. Now that's not making the dream happen!

Some websites that offer other great tips :

1. 12 Ways Budgeting Can Improve Your Life
2. 10 Commandments for the Student Consumer (Charade)
3. Making Time For Yourself

Daily Quote : EVERYONE takes a tumble…

“When there are stumbling blocks, you need to learn from them. Don't close your eyes from frustration, but open them to your future. You want to be remembered not for your fall, but how you stood tall.” – Ms. Glam

When times are hard, it’s easy to give in to the misery and failure. Almost too easy actually. There will be rough patches in life, you will make a mistake, and you will fail at something. Want to know why? Because nobody on this Earth is PERFECT. Nobody is. The only perfect being that I’ve heard of watches over us, and I don’t think your name is Jesus[1 Peter 1:19 NIV]…

When we are at a stumbling block in our lives, don’t be afraid to take a tumble. Show the world, and mainly yourself, that you can deal with anything that comes your way. Trials and struggles are put in our lives not only test our strength and faith, but to grow. Every situation in life serves a purpose. It is something to learn from so that if this stumbling block, or another, arises in the future you will high jump over it instead of just tripping on it.

So keep your heads up, and keep pushing forward. If you give up at the first sign of hardship, how will you make the dream happen?


Making the Dream : First Day Jitters

By jitters, I was making a play on Jittery Joe’s coffee. Because my first day I was only awake because of the amount of caffeine I consumed ( I know, not healthy!).

How was my first day? Great! I know I’ve mentioned this a lot, but I’m super excited for this school year because I believe that this year I will learn a lot, be challenged a lot, and also have a ton of fun. So now you understand why I’m excited! I’m so happy to be back in my “home”town and getting back into the swing of things with organizations (so excited about Alpha Omega campus ministry this year) and my social life.

I have so many goals for myself, but one thing I need to pay attention to is that I don’t over-do it, or sell myself too short. I’ve done a lot of planning and praying for this year over the summer, and so far so good. Granted, it’s only been one day but let’s be positive!

My classes this semester are challenging, but who doesn’t love a challenge? This is my chance to truly push myself, and I’m going to push as hard as I can. I’ve made a little list of some of my goals for this year that I will share with everyone:

Goals for Sophomore Year:

1. Keep GOD first. :)
2. Complete Core Curriculum
3. Apply & be accepted into Terry College
4. Obtain a Marketing internship for summer 2010
5. Volunteer 150 hours
6. Get a bigger following for my blog
7. Become more involved.
8. Start/work on a marketing project (non-profit)
9. Obtain Dean's list status. :)
10.Learn how to budget and save.


Fashion : From Work place to Groove Place …

School. Work. School. School. Work. Social life. Work. School.

I think I’ve made a point? Many times we get caught up in our busy lives, and usually when one area in our life is blossoming, another one is plummeting. Also, in the everyday routine of life, sometimes we can get a little … LAZY. And not so much with work, or school, or whatever your focus is, but mostly with our daily upkeep. When you’re on the rise to success, and even after you’ve reached some level of success, I have news for you : YOU HAVE TO KEEP CLIMBING! And one way to make sure you stay on top of your game is your appearance. In this world, appearance is key. You should be able to incorporate your style into a professional look, as well as your casual look. I’ve put together some pieces that can be worn during the day, but can easily be transformed into nightlife wear for dinner with friends,bible study, or a party. Give me feedback! Would you wear this ensemble? Do you think it can double as work by day/fun by night? Enjoy!

Fashion Post #2


1. Crinkled Ruffle Top – Forever 21

2. Slender hip slung khakis - GAP
Regular Price $49.50

3. Chain Crystal Earrings  - bebe

4. Promotte - Steve Madden

5. Charm Ribbon Bangle Set - bebe

6. Light Brown Cotton Sateen Cropped Blazer - BCBG
order from Bluefly: $171.00



“Fashion, put it all on me…”

Monday, August 17, 2009

New to the line-up will be a daily post of an affordable, fashionable outfit. Some outfits will be “get the look for less” and some will just be from my creativity :) Today’s outfit features pieces from Forever 1, Top Shop, and Nine West. Enjoy!

Fashion Post #1

1. Cowl Back Metallic Leopard Top – Forever 21

2. Liquid Matte Leggings

3. Fiestaa – Steve Madden

Price: $99.95

4.Three Quarter Sleeve Blazer


5.Misha Assorted Bangle Set

6.Pearl Multirow Necklace


In the Spotlight : Obama’s Healthcare Plan

Something that has been in everyone’s spotlight has been Obama’s Health Care Reform plan. I know everyone’s heard about the Town Hall meetings across the country that have had some rather, heated, arguments. But do we all really have room to argue? Have we been informed of this health care plan and know what it proposes?

In situations where we’re passionate about something or someone, it is easy to acquire a blind following. But in this world, that can’t be done. In order to help build up our platform, we must know what we stand for and what the argument is. We have to see both sides if we want to be able to counter the opposition.

Obama’s Healthcare Reform

  • Reduce long-term growth of health care costs for businesses and government
  • Protect families from bankruptcy or debt because of health care costs
  • Guarantee choice of doctors and health plans
  • Invest in prevention and wellness
  • Improve patient safety and quality of care
  • Assure affordable, quality health coverage for all Americans
  • Maintain coverage when you change or lose your job
  • End barriers to coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions

(via )

Healthcare Reform Opposition

This side has a platform called the “The Pillars of Health Care Reform.”

  • Choice: A patient must have the right to choose their own doctor, and must protect a consumer's right to choose the health insurance that best fits their needs and budget.
  • Competition: Leveling the playing field for doctors, insurers, and consumers will result in healthy competition that drives down costs and increases favorable outcomes. Providers should publicly post their prices so consumers can shop and compare. States should eliminate burdensome regulations so insurance companies can compete equally across state lines.
  • Accountability: Making health care services more accessible, transparent and open through standardized insurance claims forms and equal tax breaks for individuals and companies will control costs by helping consumers and businesses compare "apples to apples" across the health care spectrum.
  • Personal Responsibility: Placing responsibility squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the patient, will encourage individuals make to make healthy lifestyle choices. Infusing personal responsibility into health care reform allows us all to maintain our cherished freedom to live our lives without government intrusion.

(via )

I want to hear your opinion. Are you for the reform, or are you against it? What are some of your pros and cons? The future of this plan will be involved in all our lives as we make the dream, so voice your opinion. It should be heard!

The Epitome of GLAM … NEW LINE-UP!

Alright, REVAMP is in session! Now that school has started, my schedule is pretty much finalized, so daily posts are in order! Get excited! I want feedback as well, as to what you like and/or don’t like throughout the week. It helps! There is always improvement to be made. Here we gooooo :)

Monday - In The Spotlight : this post will cover a news story that is making headlines. It’s always great to stay informed.

Tuesday - How-To… Make the Dream : this post will include helpful tips and new discoveries that can help us all make the dream happen. :)

Wednesday - The Epitome of … : this post will mostly center around individuals who are making a difference and making the dream happen. They could be bloggers, celebrities, etc. Inspiration!

Thursday - Twitter Thursdays : spotlight on some great findings on twitter. If you’re looking for some like-minded followers, just some more inspiration, or maybe even a friend. Well, this is your post!

Friday - Funky, Fresh, GLAM : a recap of the week in fashion, politics, and other news. Another way to keep you informed!


1. “Fashion, put it all on me” : Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. The Bible says so [ see 1 Peter 3:3] . However, your closet is in the eye of your boss, future boss, and your peers. Your appearance is important so that it represents you and the dream that you’re working towards.

2. Daily Quote : Plain and simple. I will post a quote that’s purpose is to inspire and uplift.

Bi-WeeklyMaking the Dream : these posts will be updating on my progress in making the dream. I want everyone to be involved!

Well… I’m excited. Are you?? In the words of P.Diddy : “Let’s GO!”


The Epitome of … Organization! Daily Line-up

Friday, August 14, 2009

“The road to success is not without blemish or mistake …” – Ms.GLAM

So a REVAMP is in place! For the past two weeks I have been working on a new blog plan/outline. I will post the weekly line-up, which will be effective this coming Sunday.

School is starting and my grind is getting stronger by the day. Nothing but God can slow me down. :)


In the Spotlight : Kim Kardashian

Monday, August 10, 2009

Technorati Tags:

This Armenian socialite is leaving her mark on Hollywood! Daughter of O.J. Simpson’s attorney, Robert Kardashian, Kim has taken us all by storm.

Recently, she’s got a new blonde look. Dyeing hair is something that’s very brave, especially when you’re going so much lighter. I think that the color looks nice on her, but I’m more a fan of the darker hair. But hey, congrats to Kim to doing HER. That’s always the most important thing when decisions about your appearance are involved. ;)

Pictures belowww…


Daily Quote : Best I Ever Had …

Technorati Tags:

“You deserve the best that life has to offer. And the way to attain it is by giving the best that you have to offer.”

-Ralph Marston via Twitter [@ralphmarston]

This pretty much explains itself. You can’t walk around and expect for the world to be great for you, just because you believe that you’re the greatest. It helps to be confident, yes, but humbling yourself and WORKING to attain your goals makes you greater than you would’ve ever thought. We have to work hard each day in order for us to obtain success and satisfaction in life. So don’t just be the best for yourself, be the best all over!



Daily Quote : Play the Cards …

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Technorati Tags:

“Its not the cards dealt to us, it's how we choose to play our hand...”

- The Socialite via Twitter

I thought this quote was rather clever. Something along the lines of you determine your own steps in life. Granted, life has its own way of dealing its own deck. But when you get a bad hand do you just throw the cards in the air? Or do you just keep pulling.

We CAN be great. It’s up to up to keep the positive outlook and make that decision for ourselves.



Making the Dream : Training is Draining …

Friday, August 7, 2009

Technorati Tags:

It’s draining, but it’s worth it! Thursday I started training for my first housing job. Although I knew my university’s housing department had some policies, I was completely unaware of all the serious measures and university policies that also coincide with housing.

Sorry, I’m going on and on about this job. But today I realized how thankful I should be and AM for having this opportunity. I think that this job will allow me to build some necessary relationships and also gain some experience.

Did I mention that I am so excited for this upcoming year? Oh, all the possibilities that will become opportunities that will turn into ACTION! :)

My next making the dream post will be a little more in depth about my plans for this upcoming year; everything from academics to organizations to relationships.

Time to go to bed because training is early!


Daily Quote : The Greatest Commandment …

Monday, August 3, 2009

Technorati Tags:

1 John 4:7-9

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son[a] into the world that we might live through him.”

So what does love have to do with it?

Well, I think it has A LOT to do with life, in general. Have you ever noticed how much energy it takes to be rude, to make a smart comment, or to intentionally do wrong to someone else? Wouldn’t you rather use that wasted energy and put it towards your dream?

I think so.

Many of us forget that the Greatest Commandment of all is to love. And we’re not talking about the “Barry White” love, or even Barack and Michelle love, but genuine LOVE.

It never hurts to just be LOVING. The time and energy it takes for you to negatively focus on someone, is nothing but wasted energy. Let’s be smart, and through the negativity and hate, let’s LOVE.



In The Spotlight .. Rihanna

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rihanna has surely gone through a lot this year.
One thing that wasn't affected is the girl's GLAM style!
No matter what you think of her outfits, you know that she's rocking it with
CONFIDENCE and she makes it look good.

Don't be discouraged to have your own style because of what those around you are saying. You're free to be YOU!

Check out some pictures of Rihanna below :


Henry David Thoreau -- "Conscience"

"I love a soul not all of wood,
Predestinated to be good,
But true to the backbone
Unto itself alone,
And false to none;
Born to its own affairs,
Its own joys and own cares;
By whom the work which God begun
Is finished, and not undone;"

...from Conscience
written by Thoreau

Making the Dream …

My beautiful journey is coming to a close … or just beginning. This summer has truly been one of many lessons learned. Traveling, trying new things, making new connections, and meeting some amazing people doesn’t even come close to describing the effect that this summer will always have on me.

From the internship held by my church in May, I’ve been on a constant learning train. Not only were we challenged spiritually there, but it was also a great experience being able to hear so many different stories about many different walks of life.

Being in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks during the summer really allowed me to develop and strengthen my relationship with God and ultimately grow as a person. This summer I seem to have realized who I am and what I want at this point in my life. Granted, in a year that could change, but it’s always nice to feel at peace with your thoughts for even just a moment.

I started this blog kind of on a whim, and the plan for it wasn’t really thought out or planned. I intend to revamp my blog, with a new post setup and daily topics. Who said the road to success was without blemish ?



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I was supposed to deliver a lengthy update on my summer so far last week. However, God has put some other things on my heart and my post would be imcomplete without developing and stringing together everything, and posting it all at once.

So no worries! The post will be here in due time. And until then, I will be on a break until my new computer comes in (pray it's quick!) and after which a post will soon follow.

Stay tuned & Stay blessed!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am about to deliver a very long, yet encouraging message. I will update on where I am at in life right now, and the amazing summer and GOD that got me to the point I am at right now.

Stay Tuned...

MG ;)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wow! How long has it been? Sorry I completely fell off! I made it to Philadelphia, and I must say my first two weeks in Pennsylvania were...interesting! But I am SO excited to be here and I know my next 3-4 weeks are going to be a blast. I've done things here that I never expected to do; i.e. Zip Lining across a lake; White Water Rafting; and actually getting to the top of a rock wall.

God has truly been testing me these past two weeks with my heart, my character, and mainly my patience & humbleness. But I will persevere!

Until next time! :

*MG ;)

Turn My Faith On ;)

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Forgive me, I've been gone for a whole week!
I just concluded a week-long internship hosted by a sister church of my home church titled, "Increase Our Faith". Over 130 interns from campus ministries across the U.S. were here to be challenged, learn, and GROW! I can't describe how AMAZING this past week has been.

But my summer learning fun is only beginning! I'm catching a flight in the AM to my next destination where I'm going to be a camp counselor for kids 8-12, and then some teenagers. This should be INTERESTING, to say the least.

I will do my best to post frequently during my time in Philadelphia.

My brain is on SUPER overload, and I'm beyond exhausted...but no one who is successful got where they were with a lot of rest and no God in their life. ;)


Monday, May 18, 2009

Ok, I probably won't post tomorrow so yay to me posting three times today...all from mobile!

Anyways, I have a public service announcement:

Atlanta rap is crap. Point blank. Period.
And it's sad that its just not Atlanta rap, its the state of rap period.

First, Souljaboytellem. The name is...whatever. His music is wack. I would tell you to sit and listen to his music, but then that would be torture. Instead, simply read his "lyrics". Don't know a song? Look up his famous Superman or Turn My Swag On.


Then, only in Atlanta will you find songs like "first name last name" or "stupid". Or my favorite, "hit me on twittaaaa!"

Am I the only one annoyed by this? Granted, I'm probably one of few my age who dislike this Atlanta.

Will the real rappers and lovers of true hip hop please take over?

MG :)

Ok so I've been listening to a great rapper lately ( see post "My Day...So Far Gone) and I've decided that today's theme song should be "Lust for Life" by Drake...

Anyways, I believe that I do have a certain "lust" for life (although I wouldn't necessarily use the word lust simply because the Man above disapproved of any "hint" of such things...), but I do look forward to completely and fully living my life.
I promised a list in my earlier post so... Here's a list of the top 7( i know, don't want to give too much away ;) ) things I plan to do in life (notice I didn't say 'want'):
1. Love and cherish Jesus and God's Word my entire life.
2. Write an inspirational book for teens and young adults.
3. Get my beauty license.
4. Live in a foreign country.
5. Adopt three children inside the U.S.
6. Live in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and New York City.
7. (My favorite) Own a historic brownstone.
These are my leisure dreams...wait, od course I mean PLANS. :)


Setbacks are normal events in my life; however, continuing with action must become a habit as well.

So, I wasn't going to update until my computer situation was fixed, but behold, there are more setbacks.

I promise, it's gravy!

Something i've come to notice about myself lately is that I'm a thinker. I think...a lot. Probably more than normal. All thinking leads to ideas.
Now I believe my problem is acting. Actually acting on these brilliant ideas that I have seems to be a roadblock.

But no more!

I have many plans for my life, from planning tomorrow or planning where I will be living in the next 4 years (it will be D.C. or Philadelphia). So I have decided that these ideas/plans need to be shared...or I just need an outlet. Which is why I started this anyway! :)

I'm going to carry around a journal to jot down all of my ideas, but only the promising ones will make the cut.


I am actually thinking of other things as I type this, which I will post shortly (it'll be a list!).

Thanks for listening!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's been a minute since I've updated...sad.
Well, I'm home from school and frankly...I'm ready to go back. LOVE the fam., but I need more purpose! Lol

Anyways, this week has had some ups and downs, and its not even over yet.
Monday I found out a grade school classmate passed;
My family is experiencing some...setbacks, but that's nothing new;
I have yet to get my hair braided or my computer...

Ok, but back to the first...this came as a shock. It's still a shock. We just finished our first year out!
My heart goes out to his twin sister and the rest of the family.

I'll do my best to update more frequently because I do have some things to discuss...

¡Hasta Luego!

I'm Finished!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So I've finished with my finals, and basically done with my first year of college!
Whew! And what a year it was! (I will elaborate at a later date.)

Anywho, I'm so overjoyed at how God is just continuosly humbling me and showing me who's in charge. And it's great!
There are some things that I have been openly stressed about happening and coming together, and as soon as I just submitted to Him above, they came together in their own way!

It's just amazing: I'm sure I passed all my finals, although I may not keep my scholarship, God has opened up so many doors for me and finally shown me the path I need to take. So next year, getting my scholarship BACK will be a piece of cake because of that.
Also, I interviewed for a job that I applied for in OCTOBER, and because of GREAT contacts I booked a solid job for the entire next academic school year.


I raised all the money I needed for my internship this summer, I had a FANTASTIC birthday, and my family & friends are healthy (me too!). I'm just beyond thankful right now, and truly amazed.

But my summer officially starts Saturday, when I finally leave Athens. :(
But I shall be back!

Can't wait to share my summer!

Hasta Luego! ;)

Best Birthday Yet...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

So, yesterday I had a BLAST.

My friends planned a scavenger hunt downtown that was outrageous. Even though it was raining in the beginning, all my friends were great sports & the competition was great. :)
They had cake and gifts after, and we just hung out. I love my friends.

more pics coming...

I've been fundraising to get $200 for my trip to Philly this summer, and I am so happy to say that I've "over"reached my goal!!
I feel accomplished and ready for the next task!

Finals are still here, so I'm about to seriously crack down (true procrastination), meaning I probably won't update again until later on this week.

Good luck to everyone taking finals!

Happy Birthday to... ME!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today is my birthday!!!

I'm 19 years old...meaning my last year being a teenager and no more room for silly mistakes!

My day started off great! A good friend took me to a great spot in my college town, Mama's Boy.
I had the Salmon Cakes Benedict. It was delicious!
My friends have an activity planned today for my birthday, so this birthday should be exciting!

I'll post pictures and more info later!

Update: So it's official, I will be spending my summer in Philadelphia! Yes! I'll tell more about this later... :)

:) *MG

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Testing out this mobile blogging since I'll be on the go for a while ( and attempting to stay away from the computer :/ )

The Ending is Near...but not for another week! :(

So this morning it took all of my strength to roll over and get out the bed.

I must say that was the hardest thing I've had to do ALL YEAR. What's my motivation if there's no grade to make, no class to go to, or no meeting?

Ahh, but there's MUCH motivation. I am coming to terms with my "major" issues [ see last post ] slowly, but I'm coming! My motivation never fades away [shame on me!]. Today starts a continuously busy, lack of sleep, and hopefully not but probably lack of food, NONSTOP studying week.

Yes, Finals have arrived.


I hate the night before cramming because that does a number on my nerves, so I've decided to start studying for all three NOW. No delay. I will lock myself in a room in the student center and study. If I post on here or twitter too frequently, whoever reads this, it is your job to reprimand me.

Thank You. [Wish Me Luck!]

In college (or out), what are some ways you studied for finals and what was your motivation?

*MG :)

Health Promotion, Public Relations, FASHION ??? What to do...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So I think I've mentioned I'm in my first year of college.

Well, I am at a stand-still with deciding on a concrete major. Everyone who knows me knows that in whatever I do I'm eager until the task is complete. Well that applies to deciding on a path.

What path do I want to take?
Currently, my major is Health Promotion. It's been pushed by family that I focus on the healthcare system because there will forever be a job in health.
Well, I'm interested in health, but when it comes to public health I'm actually more interested in health involving a community.

And Public Relations...This idea just popped into my head one day, and I've been researching it ever since. I personally do not know anyone in a PR career, so all my info comes straight from the web.

Style & Fashion. My true loves. My mother wouldn't DARE let me major or concentrate in anything related to these two areas. However, if someone asked me what I would never, ever get tired of? The answer would be doing hair, and helping people find their style.

Now that I've written this, I feel somewhat trapped...
and for starters, I am not at the right school to even think of a switch to style/fashion.

my eagerness is in my soul, and I wouldn't ever begin to know how to just settle. ;)

Has anyone ever felt trapped like this before? Or remember feeling this way?
Let me know! :)

Update: I just read a really helpful article from the Black on Campus blog, written by Ajuan Mance. Check it out!

I'm Confused...Just a Little

WSB, NBC, CBS, Fox... those are all news channels.

Or so I thought.

So, it's pretty obvious that Fox is a majority Republican channel. However, the duty of a news station is to braodcast ALL news to American's across the country and even overseas. With that being said, how is it that Fox has decided to DENY the PRESIDENT of the U.S. air time to talk to American citizens? How much more obnoxious can you become?
Politics gives me a headache so I'm not one to constantly argue and get upset about it; but this just seems all too rude for me. How dare you deny the PRESIDENT air time.
It behooves me that people are acting like Obama is the worst president in the history of presidents.


He's certainly not the worst (not bad in my book) and he won't be the worst. Face it, the way this country is going (along with the fact that children are being raised by hypocrites and racists), our future is doomed already.

Smh at Fox. But I guess whatever floats your boat right?

My Day...So Far Gone

Monday, April 27, 2009

[Note: Drake is really hot right now; don't get me wrong his last mixtapes were cool but So Far Gone is up a couple notches. :) ]

Does Spring time = Mate time?

I don't know if this is something I've missed over the years, or if being in college has anything to do with it, but everywhere I turned my head today I saw smooching, hugging, rubbing, and just TOO MUCH PDA. Literally, everyone that I saw from east to west campus was "booed up".
So when the weather gets warm, you get together?

I could've sworn it was when it gets cool, you go find someone to warm you up...That one makes better sense to me, actually.

SO, What do you think?


My Day So Far...

So I have a Twitter...

yes, I've been sucked in. But I find that I like the twitter a lot better than facebook, actually.
Maybe because it's similar to a blog, who knows. But I'm amazed at how many celebs have gotten a twitter and take it to another level. For celebrity followers, it's like a daily look into a celebrity's life...too much! I just need to see you perform, act, or whatever you do that makes you famous; I don't really want to know about your private life...unless its Juicy of course (hehe!).


So this morning I woke up; and my neck was on FIRE.
I took a shower, and it was still burning. I have an 8am and I was already running late so I said what the heck, let me go to the health center.

One thing I don't particularly like: When the NURSES try to treat me. I didn't come here to be seen by YOU. Give me a doctor please!

Anyways, apparently I'm allergic to something in a necklace I was wearing was nickel-free; so what I'm allergic to I have no clue...
So I missed my two classes for the day just to get some itch cream and no answers;
but it's all good because I need to clean this room up PRONTO!


New Ideas...New Style

I started this blog to i about the celebrity gossip that's out there and promote some things I enjoy.

after my 1st year in college things have...changed.

The direction of this blog won't be geared towards any gossip; but empowerment.
It will be my thoughts on life, as a student and someone making their dreams a reality [i.e. ME :) ]

So sit back, relax, and ENJOY!

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