I'm Finished!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So I've finished with my finals, and basically done with my first year of college!
Whew! And what a year it was! (I will elaborate at a later date.)

Anywho, I'm so overjoyed at how God is just continuosly humbling me and showing me who's in charge. And it's great!
There are some things that I have been openly stressed about happening and coming together, and as soon as I just submitted to Him above, they came together in their own way!

It's just amazing: I'm sure I passed all my finals, although I may not keep my scholarship, God has opened up so many doors for me and finally shown me the path I need to take. So next year, getting my scholarship BACK will be a piece of cake because of that.
Also, I interviewed for a job that I applied for in OCTOBER, and because of GREAT contacts I booked a solid job for the entire next academic school year.


I raised all the money I needed for my internship this summer, I had a FANTASTIC birthday, and my family & friends are healthy (me too!). I'm just beyond thankful right now, and truly amazed.

But my summer officially starts Saturday, when I finally leave Athens. :(
But I shall be back!

Can't wait to share my summer!

Hasta Luego! ;)


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