Daily Quote: Are You Opportunistic?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston Churchill

You can have the emotion of fear and still fear not. You can accomplish the task even if you’re shaking. - Joyce Meyer

"Drip by drip, the bucket fills up. Consistency is the key. It's ok to start small and build up." – Anonymous


Will you let your fears and insecurities determine your future? Will you allow your failures to wash away your pending success? Why? How very RARE is it to see a successful person that has made it to the top without failing, messing up, being afraid, etc. If Bill Gates let his insecurities about being a nerd and geek affect him, do you think Microsoft would even be known? What if Oprah let her own background affect her dream & drive…What kind of role model would we have for our aspiring talk show hosts ( Maury, Jerry Springer?) ?

Don’t give up.



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